Oliver Catlin, son of renowned anti-doping guru Don H. Catlin, M.D., has been working in the arena of sports anti-doping science and dietary supplement research and testing for more than 15 years. He is the President of BSCG.
Oliver started his career at the UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory as the director of finance and administration. In this position, he helped oversee the drug-testing programs for USADA and the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC), the National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball’s Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program, a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) program administered by Drug Free Sport, as well as the U.S. military and other organizations and sports leagues.
After leaving the UCLA Olympic Lab, Oliver continued working with Dr. Catlin and colleagues to found a number of organizations to address a range of issues related to sports anti-doping science, including identifying and developing tests for new and evolved banned substances, conducting drug testing in human and equine sports and working to build healthy sporting cultures for athletes. (The Catlin Consortium consists of the companies Anti-Doping Sciences Institute and BSCG as well as the nonprofit/NGO Anti-Doping Research and its public initiative Support Clean Sport.)
At BSCG, Oliver has led the way in developing its Certified Drug Free® brand, growing its sports testing menu and expanding its offerings. Under his leadership, BSCG has added compounds of concern to equines and canines, testing for consumer protection, testing for contamination and label claims, GMP audits, and it has expanded its product coverage to include a range of products, from natural products to topical creams. He is intimately involved with BSCG on a day-to-day basis, working closely with responsible manufacturers, concerned athletes, and other interested parties to ensure their products are free of banned and dangerous substances and meet high quality standards.
The primary contributor to The Catlin Perspective blog, Oliver is also active in helping the industry to navigate pressing and sometimes tricky issues. His highly regarded blog posts helped expose the availability of dangerous illegal compounds on and have shed light on substances not easily understood, including methylhexaneamine, clenbuterol and deer-antler products.
Oliver is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley’s Haas School of Business with a minor in Conservation and Resource Sciences. Professional pursuits have included financial analysis, enterprise resource planning, human resources, benefits, compensation and sports drug testing administration and management.
To learn more about BSCG’s programs and philosophy, read an interview with Oliver Catlin conducted in October 2014.
Oliver Catlin Interview
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