Can a Tactical Professional be CBD Safe?

Dec 21, 2022

cbd safe

With the regulatory uncertainties behind CBD and hemp, third-party certification can provide security to first responders and other tactical professions or military service members that want to try CBD without the risk of testing positive for THC or any unwanted psychoactive effects. But before you try CBD look for Banned Substance Control Group (BSCG) Certified CBD products for products that are tested for your protection, and remember that in the U.S. military CBD products are still prohibited under the hemp and DOD policy.

The meteoric rise of CBD and hemp products has been exciting for everyone because the expansion has brought fierce competition, making it hard for companies to rise above the crowd.

Fortunately, third-party certification provides distinct advantages to brands in the CBD and hemp product realm as it represents that a brand has gone the extra mile to ensure the quality of their products.

A certification seal demonstrates a deep commitment to quality and builds trust among customers or consumers. For tactical professionals subject to drug testing it could be the difference between pass or fail, simple as that.


sandly cbd Third-party certification often focuses on three areas or a combination of them, these are:

  1. Auditing the production and quality control (QC) process
  2. Testing to verify label claims or check for environmental contaminants
  3. Specialty options that focus on things like gluten, non-GMO, organic, or protection against WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) prohibited substances or other drugs.

Some certification providers focus broadly on multiple areas while others may focus on one area only.

Banned Substance Control Group (BSCG) offers the Certified CBD program as the first CBD certification program in the world to combine a quality control audit, label claim and environmental contaminant testing, and banned substance screening into one unique program. The BSCG Certified CBD program is proud to offer this unique blend of protection to the CBD product industry and consumers like tactical professionals


sandly Finished product brands need to know the raw materials they are using are legally produced and meet percent limits for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-9- THC) content. Without this, they may face huge setbacks and legal risks.

Consumers and tactical professionals want to know the products they’re using provide the amount of CBD on the label and are not going to cause unwanted psychoactive effects or potential harm by having too much Δ9-THC or other hidden impurities. Hidden drugs in CBD products can be a regulatory nightmare for brands, and represent health risks to consumers or positive drug tests for tactical professionals. The protection the Certified CBD program offers really is better for everyone.


Tactical professionals need to be extra cautious with CBD products due to the risk of testing positive from too much THC. The Certified CBD program has your back and is designed to ensure THC is limited to trace levels that do not present a risk of a positive drug test. To keep yourself safe, look for the BSCG Certified CBD seal.

The BSCG Certified CBD program helps to ensure products are free of banned substances in sport and other potential drug contaminants, verifies that products meet label claims and are free of environmental contaminants. Not only are you making sure you get the best quality products and ingredients, but you safeguard yourself against a failed drug test.

Every lot of BSCG Certified CBD products are tested for 505 drugs including 296 drugs on the WADA Prohibited List and 209 OTC, illicit, or prescription drugs – the most comprehensive testing menu in the realm of third-party certification for banned substances.

BSCG Certified CBD offers tactical professionals the maximum protection against hidden risks of dietary supplement contamination and protects you and your career against a failed drug test, leaving you to serve your country or community with confidence and pride.

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