BSCG Newsletter - April 2021

Apr 29, 2021

BSCG Newsletter - May 2021
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Banned Substances Control Group

With spring this year comes renewal in more ways than one. Wehope this season is a game-changing one for sports and bringshealth and happiness to all.

A reminder that we have been actively following Amazon’sevolving policy for supplement sales on its platform, and BSCGhas been named an official certification provider for productssold there. If you have any questions or comments about how thismajor retail development is playing out, don’t hesitate to reachout to us at any time.

U.S. Department of Defense Recognizes BSCG

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BSCG is grateful to be recognized as a qualified third-party certification provider by the Department of Defense (DoD) project Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS).OPSS is an initiative martialed by the DoD beginning in 2012 to provide resourcesand education to service members on nutrition and dietary supplements. Includedin their resources are recommended guidelines for how to ‘Check YourSupplement’ before use, which highlights third-party certification, and the BSCGCertified Drug Free program, as a key consideration.

In late March, BSCG President Oliver Catlin had the opportunity to present to theDoD Food Nutrition and Dietary Supplements and other Self Care ProductsSubcommittees. “It is always nice to have a chance to showcase the merits of ourBSCG Certified Drug Free program especially in front of a distinguished group ofDoD representatives,” Oliver says. “We are honored to be acknowledged by awonderful group like OPSS that offers a great set of resources on nutritionalsupplements to our valued service members. We encourage our clients andcolleagues to share the OPSS resources and engage with this great community thatworks to protect our troops.

”Along with the Check Your Supplement product screening guidelines, the OPSS site has a variety of other helpful resources. Included is a list of ProhibitedIngredients, an Ingredient Index to learn more about popular ingredients, a placeto Report Side Effects, and get Quick Facts, or Ask an Expert. It should be notedthat as of February 2020 the DoD has prohibited hemp or CBD products

Love Hemp – UFC Announces Global CBDPartnership

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BSCG is pleased to welcome LoveHemp, one of the UK’s largest hempand CBD brands, as a client in the BSCGCertified CBD program. We haverecently certified a number of their products, including CBD oils, CBDcapsules, and a CBD body salve. LoveHemp has been has been awarded a five-year global CBD partnership by the UFC. This partnership makes the UFCone of the first sporting groups in the world to accept a hemp and CBD brand as asponsor.

The UFC dietary supplement policy requires supplements, including CBDproducts, to be certified for banned substances. BSCG is pleased to be recognizedas a qualified third-party certification provider by the UFC. We are excited to havethe opportunity to work with Love Hemp to certify their products in our BSCG Certified CBD program and help enable this exciting new partnership.

BSCG Welcomes Kannaway’s Pure Goldto the BSCG Certified CBD Program

BSCG is pleased to welcome theglobal cannabis giant Kannaway as aclient and announce that its productPure Gold 1500 mg has beencertified in the BSCG Certified CBDprogram. Pure Gold, a liquid hempoil, becomes one of the firstAmerican products to obtain this coveted certification.

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“Our acceptance by BSCG is an important milestone in confirming the quality ofKannaway Pure Gold, and we are honored to let our community of BrandAmbassadors and customers know that this broad-spectrum hemp oil has held upto the most rigorous quality testing to ensure we are providing a proven safe,quality product,” Kannaway shared on its website.

Pure Gold is a broad-spectrum hemp oil presenting a range of cannabinoidswithout measurable amounts of THC. Kannaway is a subsidiary of MedicalMarijuana, Inc., thought to be the first-ever publicly traded cannabis company inthe United States. Pure Gold 1500 mg is available in the United States and Japan.

BSCG Certified CBD Still One-of-a-Kind

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BSCG is proud that the BSCG Certified CBD was thefirst third-party certification program in the world tooffer banned substance protection to the CBD andhemp product industry. But that’s just the beginning ofthe story.We’re pleased that our client base for this rigorous andthorough program has continued to grow—and that allof our original clients have remained on board. BSCGCertified CBD is an all-in-one program that addresses arange of consumer questions.

It puts limits on THC to avoid unwanted effects anddrug-testing positives, verifies that products meet claims for CBD content, andscreens for banned substances in sport or other pharmaceutical drugs, syntheticcannabinoids or environmental contaminants that may be present. This program does it all—and then some.

Real Risks in Product Claims that Push the Envelope

Recently, Reckitt Benckiser’s MoveFree Advanced dietary supplementsettled a nationwide class actionlawsuit over the marketing of theirproducts for a whopping $53 million.Plaintiffs had alleged that the companyviolated the state laws in New York andCalifornia barring false or misleadingadvertising with its product label and marketing claims.

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As this legal article notes, the Federal Trade Commission “requires generally thatadvertisers must have a reasonable basis for all expressed and implied productclaims in their advertising.” The FTC has an advertising guide for the dietarysupplement industry. Our BSCG Certified Drug Free, BSCG Certified Quality, andBSCG Certified CBD programs include a review of product claims to help protectour clients from these kinds of concerns

BSCG Certified Clients

Social, Videos, And Blogs

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Oliver Catlin Interview

Interviewer:What necessitated your thinking that athletes deserved a level of protection?
Oliver:As the director of the UCLA Olympic Lab, my father attended hearings with athletes who had tested positive for banned...
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Magic Mushroom Supplements BSCG BLOG

Magic Mushroom Supplements as Seen Through a Google and Amazon Lens

Oliver Catlin uncovers the truth behind the confusing and potentially dangerous market of magic mushroom supplements on Amazon and Google. There has been enormous interest in the treatment potential of psychedelic mushrooms, often called magic mushrooms. The medical community is now accepting microdosing of psilocybin mushrooms as a treatment for depression or anxiety. Meanwhile, a US N...
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A renowned leader in sports drug testing has become a trusted provider of third-party testing and certification.For more than three decades, the Catlin standard of excellence in analytical testing has been a driving force within....
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